Leo Drioli

Be This, Love This, Share This!

How does it feel today?

You are alive …
You are present …
You are clear …

Joy sits at the core of you and you know it’s always here.

You are eternal …
You are free …
You are deeply, profoundly loved by God …
You feel all of this …

So, how does it feel today?

Funny how the mind can hear these thoughts, yet sits perplexed.

What you are is just around the corner from what you “think” you are. The mind actually lives right next door to the Eternal Vastness, to Self, to God … And yet, here it is today, wondering how it feels.

Take a deep breath in … turn your attention inward and allow for that which looks and sees to simply be the point of your spiritual station. Coming back in to this is a sweet, gentle let go, an allowing, a soft rising up that opens you to the vast infinite vistas of the “I AMness” of your true nature.

From this felt sense of pure, deep, sweet clarity … how you feel becomes something quite different to the mind trying to understand what it will never know directly. This view is actually the clear seeing of undifferentiated awareness as it’s who and what you always really are and forever really will be.

From here, from this view all and everything is within your own field … as Rumi said, “Beyond right and wrong there’s a field … I’ll meet you there”.

Another breath in, and you are gone …. Disappearing a separate self into the True Self … Here you are one, you are supremely joyous, and … you are eternal and free … absolutely free to be who you really are.
Be This, love This, share This!